Salt Lake City Utah Real Estate sales, market report, new listings and short sales.

Salt Lake City Utah Real Estate sales, Utah Real Estate market report, new listings and short sales.


Total # Actives 7772
Sold last 30 days 594
Sold 365 Days 11483
Listed last 30 days 1532
Total Pending Sales 1399
Pending last 30 days 684
Expired last 30 days 1012
Expired listings 365 Days 12274
Months Supply of Homes 13.0


Total # Actives 1673
Sold last 30 days 90
Sold 365 days 1394
Listed last 30 days 242
Total Pending Sales 263
Pending last 30 days 103
Expired last 30 days 179
Expired listings 365 Days 2164
Months Supply of Homes 18.5

Average Days on Market 108

21.5 % of our active listings are Short Sales...
15.7 % of the homes listed in the last 30 days are Short Sales...
18.7 % of the homes pending are Short sales...
17.6 % of pending homes in the last 30 days are Short Sales...
15.1 % of the total homes sold in the last 30 days were short sales...


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