The Real Estate Report! Salt Lake - week of March 21, 2011

The Real Estate Report!

Lets take a look at our 30 day snapshot of our Salt Lake County Real Estate Market!

Here are the numbers looking back from 3/21/2011.


Total # Actives 6566
Sold last 30 days 687
Sold 365 Days 10270
Listed last 30 days 1527
Total Pending Sales 1453
Pending last 30 days 909
Expired last 30 days 855
Expired listings 365 Days 12350
Months Supply of Homes 9.5


Total # Actives 1747
Sold last 30 days 109
Sold 365 days 1405
Listed last 30 days 286
Total Pending Sales 255
Pending last 30 days 142
Expired last 30 days 215
Expired listings 365 Days 2533
Months Supply of Homes 16.0

Average Days on Market 143 - Average Price per Sq Foot $89

26.6 % of our active listings are Short Sales...
18.7 % of the homes listed in the last 30 days are Short Sales...
17.5 % of the homes pending are Short sales...
25.1 % of pending homes in the last 30 days are Short Sales...
15.8 % of the total homes sold in the last 30 days were short sales...


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